ILLINOIS White Cane Law of 1969, Chapter 23, Sections 3361 through 3366; Chapter 38, Paragraph 65-1; and Public Act 81-1216, Article 10, Section 10-108, effective 1980 Illinois statutes guarantee a blind person the legal right to be accompanied by a specially trained dog guide in harness in all public accommodations and on all common carriers. A dog guide user also has a legal right to equal housing accommodation in regard to both rentals and sales. No extra charge can be levied because of the dog's presence, but the dog guide user is liable for any damages the dog might cause to the premises. A blind person also has a legal right to equal employment in the service of the state or in its political subdivisions, and in any other employment supported in whole or in part with public funds, unless the physical disability prevents performance of the work involved. Public accommodations include public facilities, hotels, restaurants, stores, places of amusement and resort, and all other places to which the public is invited. (Chapter 23, *3363; Chapter 38, Par, 65-1) Common carriers include airplanes, buses, trains, taxis, boats, and all other modes of transportation offered for public use. Common carriers may request identification and may also request muzzling. (Chapter 23, *3363) Housing includes all rental property and other real property offered for sale, but there is no requirement that property be modified, nor is the owner responsible to provide a higher degree of care than that furnished other persons. (Public Act 81-1216, Article 10, *10-108) Violation: Any person, firm, corporation or agent thereof who interferes with the above legal rights is guilty of a misdemeanor and is punishable under the appropriate civil or criminal statute. (Chapter 23, *3364)